FBC is going to BBC ’13!

01 Jul

Florida Beer Company is proud to announce that we are an official sponsor at this year Beer Bloggers Conference in Boston! The conference is put on by Zephyr Adventures and is a one stop shop for beer bloggers and industry bloggers to meet in an open forum and learn from each other, learn new more effective blogging tips and also try some amazing brews along the way!


The conference lasts 3 days, consisting of workshops, brewery beer dinners and key notes speeches from a few industry leaders!

We will be one of the featured breweries during the Saturday night beer social! This is event is a great way to help open more dialogue between beer bloggers and breweries ! We are excited to be apart of this event and will be bringing some delicious Fresh From Florida brews to bean town! During our three-day excursion we will be live blogging, tweeting and posting photos on all of our social media outlets with the hashtags #BBC13 #FBC@BBC #FBCsharethedrink and also on the great local group #Flabrew !

So make sure to follow us on our adventure through the beer blogging world and be sure to LIKE US on Facebook, follow us on twitter @floridabeer , On instagram at thefloridabeercompany and on pinterest at floridabeer!

Subscribe to our wonderful newsletter (email info@floridabeer with “Subscribe Me” in the subject line) and to our informative blog!

Live Florida. Drink Florida




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