Tag Archives: Swamp Ape Dipa

FBC #BBC13 Recap

The 2013 Beer Bloggers Conference was this past weekend in Boston and FBC was there for the excitement. We arrived on Friday to meet and greet with all the great beer bloggers that passionately support the craft industry and help bring craft beer to the masses, via their words. We journeyed with them to Boston Beer Company, Harpoon Brewery, met some friends from Heavy Seas Brewing and got to share some of our delicious brews Saturday night at the BBC13 Beer Social with the amazing bloggers at #BBC13!

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The pragmatic Julia Herz from the Brewer’s Association was there in attendance throughout the conference as a driving force encouraging the bloggers to become stronger and have a more concise voice.

Through out the 3 days there were various seminars about social media best practices, state of beer blogging and the panel of industry bloggers to just name a few. All were led by industry leaders and some industry bloggers who started off as just a regular blogger and now work for some of the top breweries in the country.

As the craft beer scene continues to grow and grow we as industry will be seeing a lot more passionate minded people writing about different topics in the craft beer culture and promoting the deliciousness to across all media platforms.  We would like to thank everyone who came to the conference and who welcomed us with open arms! It was an amazing time and we learned a lot over the past few days, about who is drinking our beer and what we can do to be more transparent and open with our wonderful patrons. Hopefully this will help us grow a better bond and stronger bond with our local beer bloggers along the way as well.

Here are links to the different blogger topics, stats and overview of the conference:

We also wanted to thank our great Florida Friends, Gerard Walen @roadtrips4beer, Carol Dekkers @caroldekkers and Terrance from Pensacola Beer @pensacolabeer for supporting us and spreading the FBC and Florida Brewery love all weekend!

For brewery updates, new brews, food and beer pairings and events follow us on Twitter @floridabeer, Like Us on Facebook and subscribe to our newsletter and blog!

Live Florida. Drink Florida.


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